Welcome to my model building blog!

This blog is dedicated to the wonderful hobby of model building. It's mostly about Automobiles, but I welcome tips and tricks from all modelers, no matter what your into.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Brush painting made perfect.

I read some interesting tips lately about creating the perfect brush painting job. The tips have proven very useful in my own modeling, so I figured I would share them. The worst thing about brush painting is the brush strokes it leaves in the finish of parts. This streaking can be minimized, if not eliminated. First off, your paint has to be the right consistency. About as thick as whole milk or a bit thicker. Too thick of paint will cause brush marks, as will too thin. Secondly, don't run your brush dry, always have enough paint on the brush, so dip often. Lastly, and this really helps, don't over brush. Going over an area repeatedly will leave marks, one to two strokes maximum.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Kingston Modelrama is coming up soon!

This is the moment I wait for every year. The Kingston Ont. Modelrama contest! Whether I win anything or not, it's the deals I go for!Almost my years supply of model kits comes from this show/contest. $2 and $5 models, here I come! I'm not entering many models this year, but I'm hoping my efforts on my VW Pig at least get an honorable mention for it's uniqueness. What category though? Customs? It is a custom, I guess that's where it will go.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The 2011 Pontiac Trans-Am is here!

Good news! the new 2011 Pontiac Trans-Am has been revealed!
The Bandit is back! This new car was created for the new Smokey and The Bandit movie by ASC (for GM) and you can bet that since it is based on the Camaro that GM plans to manufacture and sell this baby because they are bleeding money again and need a new "cool" car. Now let's hope some company like Revell or AMT Ertl picks up the license to make a model of it, so we can build it!