Welcome to my model building blog!

This blog is dedicated to the wonderful hobby of model building. It's mostly about Automobiles, but I welcome tips and tricks from all modelers, no matter what your into.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The VW Pig is progressing well!

So my VW Pig model is coming along quite well now. The nose, ears and tail are attached and molded in with putty and have a couple of coat of paint brushed on over the puttied areas. It is looking more like a pig with each piece. Here's a few pics.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The pigs nose for my VW Pig is done!

If you read my last post you would know I'm working on a VW Bug turned into a pig. The problem was finding a suitable kids toy that had a proper sized nose I could use. Well, I had no success and decided that if I could not find one, I would have to make one. So, that's exactly what I did and it turned out great! I could not use clay or modeling putty as they are not strong enough for the grinding and sanding I was going to be subjecting it to. I was looking in my craft box and found some of that repair putty for household repairs (also known as Mighty Putty) and figured "this should be strong enough. It turns out  this stuff dries rock hard and was perfect for my uses as it was sand able and did not chip very much when I was grinding it. Here are a couple of pics of this finished and partially painted piece.

Friday, March 11, 2011

My latest project, a VW Pig!

I saw this picture of a real VW Pig and it just so happened that I had a new style bug kit just sitting around, waiting for an idea like this! You might be thinking to yourself, easy enough to paint a bug pink. Sure it is, the challenge is getting the rest of the stuff for this model. I found a toy plastic pic that has perfect ears and tail, but the nose was too small. Now I am on the hunt for a perfect pig nose. Then the challenge will be shaping it to the hood and using model putty to blend it into the hood. Here is what I have so far.