Welcome to my model building blog!

This blog is dedicated to the wonderful hobby of model building. It's mostly about Automobiles, but I welcome tips and tricks from all modelers, no matter what your into.

Monday, May 2, 2011

It's been a while since I posted, but I was busy doing models and I won!

May 1st 2011 was Kingston Modelrama, in Kingston, Ontario. The mood was good and the models were absolutely stunning! That only adds to the fact that I won 1st place in the Modified Die-Cast class which for me was the highlight of my day. I was the only competitor in that class, which makes for an easy win, but a win is a win and it is my first! Add to that, I picked up a few cool kits. I bought a AMT 2009 Dodge Challenger, a Monogram '65 Corvette Street Machine and Revell Pontiac Banshee, all for under $20 total! All this and I got to go Go-Kart racing at a local Kingston track! It was a great, fun day! Anyway, here's a few pics.

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