Welcome to my model building blog!

This blog is dedicated to the wonderful hobby of model building. It's mostly about Automobiles, but I welcome tips and tricks from all modelers, no matter what your into.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Best things to strip paint from models.

At one time or another, we've all messed up a paint job and had to start over. There are two main chemicals used for this that don't damage the plastic. The first is oven cleaner and the second is brake fluid. Everybody has their preference, but I've learned that each has "better suited applications" I find that oven cleaner is great for enamels but is not quite strong enough for some lacquers. That's where brake fluid comes in, it can strip laquers better than it can enamels, although it will do both. I find it's about time and penetration. Oven cleaner is quicker and penetrates enamel better than brake fluid. Brake fluid as everyone knows can wreak havoc on car paint jobs overnight, but can take days to soften enamel. A tooth brush takes care of whatever is left on the model. The only drawback to using oven cleaner is it can sometimes leave the plastic slightly pitted or rough. This can be solved easily with a coat of primer though. Now, if your using NAPA car paint, there is no way to get it off a model. A friend of mine did this and neither oven cleaner, or brake fluid could get it off! He had to sand it down in the end. Hope this helps your paint stripping efforts and remember NEVER USE LACQUER THINNER ON ANY MODEL, PAINTED OR NOT, or any other paint thinner for that matter they eat plastic.

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