Welcome to my model building blog!

This blog is dedicated to the wonderful hobby of model building. It's mostly about Automobiles, but I welcome tips and tricks from all modelers, no matter what your into.

Friday, December 10, 2010

The many uses of sprue!

In case you don't know, sprue is the plastic that model pieces come attached to. Sprue is usually thrown away once all the pieces are taken off of it. Here is the first good reason for sprue. Painting pieces while still attached to the sprue is like a second set of hands, you can paint pieces without touching them. Once detached you just smooth and touch up the little spot where it was attached. Second reason to not throw it away (especially if there are different sizes and diameters) is that it can be very handy scratch building material. Most sprues are round so lets say you have to make a roll cage or an axle from scratch, that's where these things are perfect. Another example is if you were making a auto carrier transport truck. Pieces of sprue would be perfect for all of the intersecting bars and such on one of these vehicles. So next time you think of sprue as just garbage plastic, think again!

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